Feu, Conqûete, Puissance / by Chris Andrade

Commissioned to embody the element of fire Feu, conqûete, puissance ( en. Fire, Conquest, Strength), is the first of three contiguous permanent installations featuring works fully integrated in the architecture of the space. Envisioned to subtly engage the eye and enhance a one of a kind a dining experience.

O’ by Claude Le Tohic is a fine dining concept. based on the elements of water fire and earth. Crafted using a fusion of modern design and old world techniques,


Feu, conqûete, puissance ( en. Fire, Conquest, Strength), Inspired by the mightiest of all conquerors, Napoleon himself, comes a depiction of fire force and strength, an energetic element that encompasses the journey taken by great minds in the pursuit of excellence and mastery. The piece makes full use of the 22’ horizontal span with aim at subtly engaging the viewer across all four corners of the space


A multi layer three dimensional pigment process allow both a visual and tactile experience. The concrete design elements highlighting strength and conquest, rise textured in the foreground and are lit by the bright orange and red hues representing fire hidden in a second layer of pigment in back.

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Precision engineering and three dimensional architectural renderings were key in visualizing optimal placement of the piece.

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State of the art layering techniques, both analog and digital, were needed to achieve the desired visual effect, and to ensure the project would met the discerning standard expected in a world class fine dining establishment.

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